
1939: Baha'i Youth Gathering, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Baha'i youth attending the seventh annual Baha'i Youth luncheon held in conjunction with the Baha'i convention, Evanston, Illinois, USA, 1939


circa early 1900s: A group of early believers in Haifa

This photograph is believed to have been taken by a professional photographer who accompanied Dr. Getsinger. The original appears to have been manually color-brushed.


1938: Mid-West Regional Baha'i Youth conference, Wilmette, Illinois, USA

The Mid-West Regional Baha'i Youth conference held January 8th and 9th, 1938, at Wilmette, Illinois, USA


1907: Thornton Chase and Carl Scheffler, two visiting American Baha'is in Haifa

Thornton Chase (right) visiting a house in Haifa with (left to right) Mirza Asadu'llah, Mirza Mohsin, and Carl Scheffler, 1907.




1939: Annual gathering of some American Baha'is at the commemoration service for Thornton Chase

Annual gathering of Baha'is at the commemoration service for Thornton Chase, the first believer of America. Inglewood, California, September 30th, 1939.


1939: Baha'i Children's Class at Yerrinbool Baha'i Summer School, Australia

The "Rose Garden" children's class held during the 1939 session of the Baha'i Summer School at "Bolton Place," Yerrinbool, New Soth Wales, Australia


1939: Spiritual Assembly of St. Lambert, Quebec, Canada

Members of the newly formed Spiritual Assembly of St. Lambert, Quebec, Canada, 1939 


1939: Annual Convention of the Baha'is of the British Isles, London, England

Some of the Baha'is attending the annual convention of the Baha'is of the British Isles, London, 1939



1939: Yerrinbool Baha'i Summer School, Australia

Attendants and friends at the Baha'i Summer School of Australia held at Yerrinbool, S. W. Australia, in January 1939


1939: A group of early South American Baha'is

A group of early South American Baha'is
Seated (left to right): Mrs. Caswell and Mrs. Oliver from Panama. Standing (left to right): Mr. Wantok, first Panamanian to accept the Faith. Mr. Eichenauer, from San Salvador, and Mr. Kaszab, from Nicaragua (The Baha'i World 1938-1940)


1938: 10th Annual Convention of the Baha'is of India and Burma

The tenth annual convention of the Baha'is of India and Burma held in Karachi, 1938. Travelling teacher Martha Root is seated in the center.


1939: Inter-Assembly Teaching Conference in Los Angeles

Inter-Assembly Teaching Conference
Held in Los Angeles, California, February 26th, 1939, at the time of the visit of the National Spiritual Assembly (The Baha'i World 1938-1940)


circa 1921: The Greatest Holy Leaf, Lady Blomfield, and two of 'Abdu'l-Baha's daughters

The Greatest Holy Leaf, Lady Blomfield, and two of 'Abdu'l-Baha's daughters, circa 1921, shortly after the passing of 'Abdu'l-Baha



circa 1939: Baha'is in India bidding farewell to Martha Root

Some of the Baha'is of Bombay, India gathered to bid farewell to their indefatigable fellow-worker, Martha Root on the occasion of her departure to Australia and New Zealand, circa 1939. Martha Root is sitting in the center of second row holding a bouque of flowers.


1939: Community Picnic at the Baha'i Summer School of Australia and New Zealand

The Baha'i Summer School of Australia and New Zealand. Community Picnic held during the 1939 sessions at "Bolton Place", Yerrinbool, New South Wales



1938: The Baha'i Youth Committee of Bombay, India, with Martha Root

The Baha'i Youth Committee of Bombay, India, taken with Martha Root on the occasion of her tour of India and Burma during 1938